Effective Ways to Interview and Hire Remote Employees

Thanks to technological advancements, more and more employers are hiring remote employees from around the globe and allowing them to be productive anytime and anywhere they can access a stable Internet connection. In today’s blog post, local conference room rental provider 4Corners Business Centers provides some tips for interviewing and hiring remote employees.

How Workplace Flexibility Affects Employee Wellness

Flexible—this is the word that best describes the modern workplace. Flexible workplace policies such as telecommuting and unconventional schedules aren’t just good for productivity; they can also affect employee wellness in a positive way. In today’s blog post, 4Corners Business Centers, your local conference room rental provider, takes a closer look at the relationship between flexible workplaces and employee wellness.

How Open Office Layouts Mark the End of Office C-Suites

Traditionally, offices were designed with structure in mind, putting more emphasis on privacy and individuality than collaboration. In many traditional office spaces, the only place where employees could hold meetings were an in-office conference room or conference room rental. Today, more and more office landscapes are favoring open layouts, changing the look and feel of corporate settings for good.

WHO Classifies Office Burnout as an Official Diagnosis

If you’ve ever walked out of meeting rooms feeling overly stressed or if you’ve felt like you could barely keep your head above water at work, you may be inclined to say you’re “burning out.” Complaints of burnout are common in the workplace–so much so that, in a recent addition to the International Classification of Diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared office burnout an officially diagnosable condition.

Workplace Psychological Safety: Its Importance and Benefits

Psychological Safety is important for every person, whether it’s at home or the workplace. When it comes to the workplace, providing a psychologically safe space is important since it correlates with high levels of innovation and performance. In a psychologically safe space, employees will see work as a place to learn instead of a place to dread. With that in mind, employers should take great pains to ensure that the workspace can be a safe place for their employees.

The Science of an Effective Meeting

Though advancements in digital technology have made our lives more convenient in many ways, there are also some negatives. One of those is the fact that the attention span of the average person is plummeting, with a recent study by Microsoft Corp estimating it to be as low as eight seconds. There are many downsides to this, not the least of which is the struggle of holding an effective meeting.

5 Ways to Decline a Meeting Invite Politely

Meeting invites don’t come free of strings; accepting one usually means missing out on something else. But even if you could attend all the meetings you get invited to, you shouldn’t, because some of them just aren’t worth the time and energy. The problem is, many of us are afraid to say no to avoid seeming rude or inconsiderate.

Learn How to Hold More Productive Meetings With Your Employees

Are you having trouble keeping your employees engaged during meetings? Lack of interest, poor ambiance and length of the meeting could all be contributing to this problem. Thankfully, there are ways to address this. Read on for tips from 4Corners Business Centers, Inc., New York’s top office space rental company.