How to Foster a Positive Workplace Culture With Remote Staff

Fostering a positive culture within your team is easier said than done, and it is even more tricky to accomplish if you have remote employees working in a virtual office space. Establishing a cohesive culture with team members halfway across the globe can seem daunting—but it doesn’t have to be.

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Simple Tips to End Your Meetings on a Positive Note

Running effective meetings is important if you want your employees to be productive. As a leader, you need to plan meetings with a purpose, create realistic and effective agendas, and keep the meeting on track. Finally, you need to learn how to end meetings on a positive note. In today’s post, 4 Corners Business Centers, the top choice for office space rental, provides some tips:

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Healthy Work Environment 101: Importance and Tips

Your employees’ well being plays a major role in their performance, which is why 4Corners Business Centers promotes establishing a healthier work environment. Whether your employees work in a virtual or actual office space rental, the more health-conducive it is, the more productive your employees will be. CoreNet Global, a professional organization of corporate real estate executives, administered an informal poll to evaluate the importance of wellness in the workplace. Let’s take a look at the results:

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